sábado, 19 de março de 2011

Bridge Inside Me (Em Construção)

I 've Built bridges that
I Couln't cross because of my omn fears.
Trying protect myselff

I didn't want risks
Just wanted to keep myself safe
That world just wasn't for me
So I prayed in silence
In hope that someone would hear my voice
I wanted to break out but I scared of mysel and who I'd become

All I wanted was to break free
But there was something tha always stoped me.
Has changed me it has made me Who I Am
But I did not prepare me for what I'd become
Nor for the risks that I would have to take down my choices
So,I didn't make it a cross the bridge Cause'


There wasn't anyone there.
All that was left was tears and after walking back
Without knowing what to do halfway
Across that bridge
Because in the end That world ended up swallowing me

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